Decorate Outside the Box

Who Needs Tinsel? One of the hardest parts of planning the holiday party for your company or even your friends is deciding on the look. It is easy to do the same thing you did last year and the year before that but then you may just get the same results. One part of...

Tastes of the Season

WARNING: DO NOT read this post if you haven’t had lunch yet! Truth be told, it gets to be this late in the summer and I start eyeing my boots and sweaters and thinking about the deep warm flavors of winter comfort foods. That means this post was a lot of fun to...

It’s Christmas in July

Holiday parties are just around the corner! You know it’s inevitable, just like death and taxes, every year you are the one that has to plan the holiday party. I know, you just groaned, didn’t you? This year, why not let planning the perfect holiday party make you the...

It’s Not Easy Eating Green

As a kid, if I had gotten a nickel for every time I was instructed to “eat my greens,” I would retire by age 30. It’s no secret that green vegetables have been pushed down almost every child’s throat since birth… Well, maybe not THAT early. We all know why: They’re...