You’ve decided on the decor, you’ve planned the menu and now it’s time for the real fun to begin!

How many boring holiday parties have you been to where everyone just sits around looking bored, complaining about the year and sucking the bar dry?don;t let a good party go bad

Not this time! Not your party!


If all you have to entertain your guests is a bar and a buffet, that is what you’ll get. The key is to give your guests something to do and a reason to mingle.

This may sound crazy, but take a cue from how the best party planners handle children’s parties. They have an array of activities to keep the natives from getting restless. Now I know that your employees and clients aren’t over active children but the same principles apply. If you give people something to amuse and entertain them they will have a much better time.

Start with a good DJ. Then pick their brain. A good, professional DJ does so much more than play music. They make it their business to know the hottest and newest trends in getting a party going. Sit down with your DJ and let them know what your group is like. Are they sedate professionals? Are they young techies? Are they creatives that see things differently?

More importantly, let them know what outcome you are looking for with this event. Are you wanting to get the executives engaged with the people on the front line? Are you wanting to build the feeling of unity by getting families to connect? Think about the outcome you want and let the DJ make some suggestions.

Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing.decadently rich hot chocolate

  • Get a photo booth or one of the slow motion video setups. It’s amazing how silly people can get with the right props.
  • Create a slide show. Use humor and emotion in your picture selection and soundtrack to recap the year.
  • Did you know that some DJs will bring in a full on game show set? Yes it is that much fun.
  • For the creatives, how about a Cookie Decorating Station or a Make An Ornament table. Then you can have your guests vote on the best ones.


The younger and more adventurous your team is, the more fun you can have with this. Think outside the box. For instance, if you are using a rustic theme for your decor you could always rent a climbing wall! Set it up in the parking lot and we can provide a Hot Chocolate and S’Mores bar to go with it.  How unique would that be?


Your team works hard all year, let them blow off a little steam and get to know each other on a new and different level. Show them you appreciate them with something besides the same old lame dinner buffet and a speech by the CEO. They will thank you for it  and we would love to help you get there!

Contact TeamMMC today to get your party started!